Tuesday, 12 April 2016

No clue!

Today we're preparing the farewell party for our
leaving ninth-graders. Unfortunately I can't reveal what we had in 
mind for that, since some of the ninth-graders red this block and we don't 
want any spoilers! So instead, I will just give you this magnificent piece of art. 

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

The land of a thousand puddles

The classroom is fuller than never! We are tackling the second
questionnaires data with 33 students and 1 teacher. First we added
the new students of our club to the WhatsApp group, after which Magda 
explained the rules and such to them. Right now the they
are looking a little bit frightened. Time to examine
the results from the second questionnaire then!

It should be time for another weather update shouldn't it?
No snow, but it's still pretty cold. Snow has melted 
away, and now the ground is all wet and moist.