Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Lights, camera, ACTION!

Lights, camera, ACTION!

My God have we been active! Believe it or not, we actually got some stuff done!
We split the group to two parts, each one doing their own thing!
The first was making a video, answering the questions from the questionnaire!
If it wasn't already obvious, there are going to be a lot of bloobers... :P

The second group on the other hand, is making... Pies?
Ooohh, now I got it. Pies as in like charts and graphs. 
Very fancy and professional indeed. They even look very fancy and professional.

Video making

Pie baking... Or making. However you want it. 

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Composing the Article

Composing the Article 

Today was really a breakthrough! We finished with writing the results, and now
we are composing it into one single article! I mean how exciting is that!? We got graphs 
and all sorts of fun stuff! We also made the video about our school that we're 
going to show all of you guys who are coming here. And the best part, we
now know who is going to take who under their roof! We're waiting for you!